
Choices have to be made, and decisions taken, throughout the APC journey. Deciding whether to sit the APC at the outset, picking your entry route and pathway, through to specialisms and case studies towards the end. These are all covered, in detail.

  • What is the APC?
  • Should I sit the APC?
  • Benefits of being Chartered
  • Routes to entry
  • Qualification requirements
  • Enrolment
  • Pathways
  • Competencies
  • Supervisor & Counsellor roles
  • When to sit
  • Links to key documents

Whilst some choices e.g. pathway may be obvious and once decided won't change, others are flexible right up to the point of submission.

The APC requires a series of choices in terms of pathway, route, competencies, specialism, submission examples and case study. Each of these choices are discussed and recommendations made.


The biggest part of the website are the Competencies. Each competency has:

  • numerous FAQs and model answers
  • detailed review, including pros and cons
  • examples of how questioned at level 3
  • experience examples
  • case study examples (where appropriate)
  • examples of causes for referral
  • links to all useful documents
  • suggestions for CPD, including links

At the heart of this website are flash cards. These are lists of frequently-asked questions from actual APC interviews. This sets out much of the core level 1 knowledge but also provides model answers.

You can click on any question to 'open up' the model answer. Over time, you should be able to answer the questions without prompting. These can also be used with study buddies, family or friends, to test you, as you approach the interview date.

For each competency, there is a Basics page. This sets out:

  • the positives and negatives of each competency (useful when picking optionals)
  • an overview of what assessors are looking for
  • what is expected at level 3, and
  • how candidates often fall short at interview.
Given the sheer volume of knowledge required to pass the APC, it's easy to lose sight of what the panel are looking for. The Basics aims to summarise this.

Measurement competency Flash cards showing typical questions under Legislation, regulation and guidance heading.

Showing model answer to first question.


If the interview is the meal, the submission is the menu. Written well and the panel will be positively disposed at the outset. Badly written and it's an uphill struggle. The website includes advice on:

  • Keeping a diary
  • CPD
  • Timings
  • Project examples
  • Case studies
  • Dos and donts
  • Proposers
  • Submitting: how and when
  • Specialisms
  • Special considerations

It all comes down to that final 60 minutes. The website has extensive guidance on all aspects of preparing for the interview, including:

  • Session dates
  • Structure
  • Timings
  • How panels are set-up
  • Role of Chair and Assessors
  • Miscrosoft Teams
  • Virtual lobby
  • Preparation
  • Question types
  • Answering techniques
  • Technology
  • Case study presentation
  • Mocks, Q&A
  • Eyes, hands and speech
  • Personal presentation
  • Dos and donts

In addition to the competency-based resources there's also a helpful Glossary and a section of topical news stories (In Brief) keeping you up to date with relevant level 1 knowledge.


Coaching to pass the APC is not just about what you need to know, but also how to study. Study styles may vary, but there are some key principles that will help you pass.

These are not just last-minute revision tips but relevant throughout your APC.

I also offer free consultations for new Assessors, Supervisors and Counsellors, including the following topics

  • Question style coaching
  • Choice of route
  • Choice of pathway
  • Choice of competencies
  • Choice of case study
  • Referral advice

In addition to all the existing content, there will be additional content added, including

  • Quizzes
  • Livery video comptency masterclasses
  • Candidate forum (subject to demand)